A Sustainable Fair for All

The Western Montana Fair is excited to join Missoula’s ZERO by FIFTY initiative to reduce 90% of the material we send to the landfill by 2050. With around 80,000 visitors, the Fair produced nearly 60 tons of trash (120,000 pounds) in 2018. Starting in 2019, we reduced waste significantly by adding composting services, promoting recycling, and working with Fair vendors to convert to compostable/recyclable serving materials. New to 2021 are recycling/compost stations and water bottle refill stations dispursed throughout the Fairgrounds.



The city of Missoula is on a mission to become Montana’s first Zero Waste community! As part of the community, the Missoula Fairgrounds/Western Montana Fair is similarly aligned towards that mission by:

  • Offering recycling/composting stations throughout the Missoula Fairgrounds year-round.

  • Following sustainable building practices and integrating LEED principals when possible.

  • Supporting local non-profits and businesses that encourage sustainable practices.

  • Integrating a digital app during the Western Montana Fair to help reduce landfill waste.

  • Adopting sustainable standards for Western Montanan Fair vendors.

  • Encouraging fairgoers to bike to the Fair and offering a rewards program for bikers.

  • Establishing the Creative Reuse Division within the Fair exhibit program.

  • Developing a Zero Waste Ambassador program to cultivate future sustainability leaders.

  • Educating and training staff about current sustainability standards.

  • Integrating new sustainable practices every year towards a Zero-Waste future!

Mandatory Vendor Sustainability Standards

  • No Styrofoam of any kind - no exceptions.

  • No plastic bags (BPI-certified compostable paper or reusable/durable only).

  • No single use glass bottles or containers.

  • Offer only BPI-certified compostable plates, bowls, cups, and utensils.

  • Offer only BPI-certified unbleached, compostable napkins.

  • Adopt aluminum cans/bottles instead of single use plastic bottles for all beverages (including water).

  • No plastic straws (compostable straws or straw alternatives like a stick of pasta are acceptable).

  • Reduce food packaging in general.

  • Offer portion size options (e.g., small or large) to reduce wasted food.

  • Utilize a food recovery program – coordinate with the Missoula Food Bank Food Circle program or similar program ahead of time to have edible leftover food recovered at the end of the event.

  • Thank your customers when they choose to reuse or reduce waste.

  • Use social media to promote your Zero Waste efforts.

  • Agree to a short interview and write up about Zero By Fifty efforts at your business for recognition and as a community business leader.