Piper Billingsley


Two Rivers 4-H

Piper Billingsley is 9 years old and has been doing 4-H for two years. Her favorite part of 4-H is meeting new people. This year she has a Dutch rabbit named Bucky Jr. Jr. that likes to eat bananas and a Suffolk / Hampshire sheep named Alfalfa that likes to eat hay. Piper’s favorite thing about her animals is how cute they are and her favorite thing to do with them is run around the yard. When she chases Alfalfa, he’ll turn around and chase her too.

For tabletop projects, Piper is doing sewing and shopping this year. It’s her first year doing both sewing and shopping, and she’s enjoyed both. Her favorite part about sewing is getting to pick what she wants to make and the fabric to make it with. With shopping, she likes that the 4-H project gave her an excuse to shop. Piper made a dress for her submission with her new sewing machine she got for Christmas, and liked it so much that she made another one to wear before the fair. She made the dress custom to her preferences, even including slits on the side of the dress to make sure she can still do cartwheels.

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Missoula Fairgrounds