Department: 120-Agriculture & Urban Farming | Open
Sarah Holden, MSU Extension Horticulture Agent
Prizes & Awards
Champion – $25
Reserve Champion – $10
First Place – $8
Second Place – $5
Third Place – $3
Premiums will be awarded providing there are three (3) or more exhibits in the class. Officials have the authority to move or place exhibits into an appropriate class. Not all classes may merit a placing.
Division A – Grains, Forage, Hay
Division B – Tallest, Largest, Oddest Shape
Division C – Vegetables
Division D – Fruit
Division E – Honey
Division F – Eggs
Division G – Container Grown Gardens
Division H – Wool
Division I – Herbs
Division J – Garden Exhibits
Division K – Garden Friends
Division L – Agriculture Marketing
Important Facts & Dates
Age & Ability Groups
Age 11 & under (Dept. 120A)
Age 12 to 17 (Dept. 120B)
Age 18 & older (Dept. 120C)
Persons with Disabilities Age 11 & under (Dept. 120D)
Persons with Disabilities Age 12 to 17 (Dept. 120E)
Persons with Disabilities Age 18 & older (Dept. 120F)
Pre-registration required. Enter online by 5 p.m. Friday, August 1, 2025 using the online entry system. Parents must sign if exhibitor is under 18 years of age. Following registration, print and save your receipt for entry confirmation.
Bring exhibits 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Monday August 4 to the Home Arts Building #35, Missoula County Fairgrounds, 1101 South Ave. West.
Premiums are available for pickup 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, August 10 at the Fair Office (Bldg. #12). Premiums are also available 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Wednesday of the following week. Any unpaid premiums after 5 p.m., August 13 will be forfeited.
Exhibits will be available for pickup from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, August 11, 2025.
General Exhibiting GUIDELINES
The article exhibited must be the work of or grown by the exhibitor, except where specific allowance is stated.
In some instances, exhibits grown in 2024 will be accepted for 2025 exhibition to adjust for the lateness of the 2024 harvest. Any exhibits harvested after August 7, 2024 will be eligible for this year’s exhibition as long as it was not entered in the 2024 Fair.
All vegetables entered must be clean, free of bugs and trimmed for market. The Agriculture Superintendent is authorized at any time to dispose of any produce that is wormy, unsightly or spoiled. Wormy produce will be disqualified.
If you bring an amazing agriculture specimen on Exhibit Delivery day, but it was not previously entered in the online system, we will gladly display it. However, it will not be judged or be eligible for premium awards.
Officials have the right to exclude any content from consideration if it includes explicit content that is not family friendly.
By submitting your content to this contest, you consent to Missoula County Fairgrounds posting and/or sharing images or videos of your exhibit for promotional purposes.
Entries are limited to one (1) per class unless otherwise specified.
Officials reserve the right to reclassify entries not entered in the correct division or class, or as otherwise needed for competition.
All exhibits will receive care and protection in the surroundings, but at all times are subject to owners’ risk, and the Missoula County Fairgrounds nor Western Montana Fair cannot be held responsible for damage that may occur.
Space/capacity may be reached before the entry deadline and may limit the number of exhibits permitted. In this instance, exhibits will be accepted in the order the entries were received.
Division A – Grains, Forage, Hay
Guidelines & Reminders
Sheaf not less than 3” or more than 5” in diameter. Label items for grain/hay identification.
Class 1: Winter Wheats
Class 2: Spring Wheats
Class 3: Oats
Class 4: Barley
Class 5: Any variety of Rye
Class 6: Alfalfa
Class 7: Alta Fescue
Class 8: Crested Wheat Grass
Class 9: Orchard hay
Class 10: Red Clover
Class 11: Red Top
Class 12: Reed’s Canary
Class 13: Sunflowers in seed stage (3)
Class 14: Timothy
Class 15: Any other
Class 16: Hay – One (1) eight-inch slice from center of bale
Division B – Tallest, Largest, Oddest Shape
Class 1: Tallest produce – Each variety can be its own entry. Must have three (3) entries of the same variety before a separate ribbon can be awarded. Otherwise judged as combined class.
Class 2: Largest produce – Largest produce by weight. Each variety can be its own entry. Must have three (3) entries of the same variety before separate ribbon can be awarded. Otherwise judged as combined class.
Class 3: Oddest shape produce – Oddest shape or freaky growth from any of the vegetable division.
Division C – Vegetables
The exhibitor must have his/her exhibits ready for display. There are no facilities for washing or preparing exhibits at the display building.
Beet, Carrot, Kohlrabi, Onion, Radish, Parsnip, and Turnip tops to be 1/2 inch to one (1) inch.
Leave 1/4 inch stem on cucumbers.
Roots to be left on onions.
Must have 3 entries of same variety in a class before separate ribbon can be awarded. Classes will be combined and judged together as the Superintendent deems necessary.
Class 1: Asparagus (6)
Class 2: Beans, stem (8)
Class 3: Beets (3)
Class 4: Broccoli (2)
Class 5: Brussels Sprouts (5)
Class 6: Cucumbers (3)
Class 7: Cabbage (1)
Class 8: Carrots, 8 inches and longer (3)
Class 9: Carrots, short/stubby, under six (6) inches (3)
Class 10: Carrots, any other variety (3)
Class 11: Cauliflower (1)
Class 12: Celery (1 plant)
Class 13: Chard, Swiss (1 plant)
Class 14: Chives (5 plants)
Class 15: Corn, Roasting Ears, in husk (3)
Class 16: Corn, Indian, strip back husk (3)
Class 17: Dill, 12-inch stem, free of Aphids (4 heads)
Class 18: Eggplant (2)
Class 19: Garlic (5)
Class 20: Gourds, three (3) of same variety
Class 21: Horseradish (5)
Class 22: Kale (2 bunches with crown)
Class 23: Kohlrabi (3)
Class 24: Leeks, cut at third junction (2)
Class 25: Lettuce, head (2 in plastic bag)
Class 26: Muskmelons (2)
Class 27: Cantaloupes (2)
Class 28: Onions, three (3) of same variety
Class 29: Onions – Green, leave roots and tops (3)
Class 30: Parsley (2 plants with roots)
Class 31: Parsnips (3)
Class 32: Peas, in pod (6)
Class 33: Peppers, three (3) of same variety
Class 34: Pumpkin (1)
Class 35: Potatoes, three (3) of same variety
Class 36: Best general display of potatoes, any variety (10)
Class 37: Radishes (bunches of 5)
Class 38: Shallots, prepared for storage, dried (3)
Class 39: Rutabagas (3)
Class 40: Squash (1)
Class 41: Zucchini (2)
Class 42: Tomatoes, three (3) of same variety
Class 43: Best crate of tomatoes, Red Ripe (8)
Class 44: Turnips (3)
Class 45: Watermelon (1)
Division D – Fruit
Classes – Fruit with Stems
Class 1: Apples, three (3) of same variety
Class 2: Best flat apples, (15) any variety
Class 3: Plum, any variety (6)
Class 4: Grapes, any variety (2 bunches)
Class 5: Strawberries, in a bowl (1 pint)
Class 6: Gooseberries, green or red (1 pint)
Class 7: Cherries (1 pint)
Class 8: Pears, any variety (3)
Class 9: Rhubarb, remove all green portion of leaf, leave base of stem (5)
Class 10: Any other variety of fruit, with stems (5 if large, 1 pint if small)
Classes – Fruit without Stems
Class 11: Raspberries (1 pint)
Class 12: Blackberries (1 pint)
Class 13: Blueberries (1 pint)
Class 14: Peaches (3)
Class 15: Apricots (3)
Class 16: Any other variety of tree, vine or bush fruit
Class 17: Fruit Basket
Division E – Honey
Class 1: Display comb honey (1 frame)
Class 2: Honey, chunk
Class 3: Honey, cream
Class 4: Display, extracted honey
Class 5: Display, beeswax (2 items)
Class 6: Honey, any other
Division F – Eggs
Eggs should be clean and as uniform as possible.
Class 1: Chicken eggs, white dozen
Class 2: Chicken eggs, colored dozen
Class 3: Exotic, colored dozen
Class 4: Turkey, dozen
Class 5: Goose, dozen
Class 6: Duck, dozen
Class 7: Any other variety, dozen
Class 8: Largest egg, by weight
Division G – Container Grown Gardens
Class 1: Vegetable Container – Each different vegetable container may be a separate entry. Must have three separate entries of same type to judge for a separate ribbon, otherwise judged as a combined class. Container is limited to 3-5 gallon can or pot.
Class 2: Fruit Container – Each different fruit variety may be a separate entry. Must have three separate entries of the same type to judge for a separate ribbon, otherwise judged as a combined class. A tomato is a fruit although treated as a vegetable in the vegetable section. You may enter your tomato plant container in this class. Container is limited to 3-5 gallon can or pot.
Class 3: Container Garden – Must contain a minimum of three (3) varieties of plants.
Division H – Wool
Guidelines & Reminders
The finer the wool, the higher the quality. In fact, the character of a fleece is judged by the evenness, distinctiveness, overall uniformity, and number of crimps in the fibers. An exhibit must be in sufficient size to judge these qualities.
Class 1: Sheep
Class 2: Rabbit
Class 3: Llama
Class 4: Goat
Class 5: Other type of wool (not listed above)
Division I – Herbs
Class 1: Wheelbarrow or Wagon Garden
Class 2: Herb Garden Exhibit – Six (6) or more varieties of herbs. Identify on a list. Bring in pots or containers in which you have them planted. Must be grown by exhibitor.
Division J – Garden Exhibits
Guidelines & Reminders
Individual and Master Garden Exhibits will be judged by the following point scale:
50 points on quality of exhibit
25 points on varieties
25 points on appearance of display
Exhibitor must supply a list of plant material used in the display. Other materials may be used to enhance the exhibit.
Class 1: Individual Garden Exhibit – Exhibitors are required to include no less than 15 different items and no more than 20 items.
Class 2: Master Garden Exhibit – Exhibitors are required to include no less than 25 different items.
Division K – Garden Friends
Guidelines & Reminders
All entries must be handmade or decorated by exhibitor.
Class 1: Scarecrows
Class 2: Gnomes
Class 3: Faries
Class 4: Animal figures
Division L – Agriculture Marketing
Guidelines & Reminders
This contest is open to any Western Montana resident who direct markets their products. The exhibitor must sell and advertise produce or products grown and produced in Montana. Flat print examples should be securely mounted upon mats or foam core (not poster board or cardboard), not framed. Pieces should be ready to hang. Make sure the hanging system you choose will allow for a ¼ inch hook. No tape. Please practice hanging your work at home to make sure that it is secure. If submitting an online catalog, submit three (3-5) screenshots of product pages, the title of the website, and the website’s URL or a QR code mounted to mat or foam core poster board ready for hanging. (Judges will view catalog online, poster is for display only.)
Judging will be based on the following criteria:
• Overall design and attractiveness
• Website usability
• Depth of educational content
• Business information
Class 1: Market Website
Class 2: Market Advertising Brochure
Class 3: Market Social Media Presence
Class 4: Best Farmers Market Booth