2024 Western Montana Fair Exhibitor Guide

Lasso The Moon


Do your cookies disappear? Bring them to the Fair and get some dough. Don’t hide that doodle in a drawer, hang it for hard currency. Do you love recycling and repurposing? Turn that flip into fortune. This year’s Fair offers dozens of new ways to participate. If you find the number of new options daunting, seek assistance from one of the Fair’s partners now hosting how-to classes.

For almost 150 years, the Fair rewards the willing with cash and glory. Challenge your family and friends. Fill their summer dreams with fame and accomplishment. It’s risk-free, no entry fees (excluding livestock).

You don’t have to be the best to find out you are the best! The Fair is meant for amateurs discovering their own success. To ensure Fair-ness, non-livestock departments are now divided into six equal divisions based on age and ability and an additional division for group entries.