Department: 153-Dahlia Show
Show Chair Ryan Macpherson
Floriculture Building (15)
AUGUST 5 Entry Form Available
The online entry system is not available for the Floriculture Department. The Floriculture Superintendent will accept entries on paper tags, which will be available starting Monday, August 5. Each exhibitor is responsible for submitting their own entry tag. If the exhibitor is under 18 years of age, a parent must sign the entry tag.
AUGUST 9 Exhibit Delivery & Judging
The Five Valleys Dahlia & Glad Society provides containers, entry tags, and staging materials—just bring your blooms! Entries will be accepted from 6:00 AM to 10:00 AM on Saturday, August 9. The Floriculture Building (15) will be open during this time for exhibitors to bring their entries to the Missoula County Fairgrounds, located at 1101 South Ave. West.
This show will be judged according to the rules of the American Dahlia Society by judges from the American Dahlia Society and the National Garden Club, Inc.
AUGUST 10-11 Exhibit Retrieval
Exhibits may be picked up at 6:00 PM on Sunday, August 10, after the Rose Show closes, or between 11:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Monday, August 11. Any exhibits not retrieved by Monday, August 12, will be discarded.
All dahlia exhibits must be grown by the exhibitor. The only exception is for entries in the Artistic Design Division, where the blooms may be grown by someone other than the exhibitor.
Containers will be provided. Blooms must be shown disbudded, with at least one (1) set of true leaves. The leaves must be displayed above the foam. Lids for the containers are optional and at the exhibitor’s discretion; however, the leaves must be above the lid. The exhibit will be judged based on its overall appearance. Exception: Blooms used in baskets, bouquets, bowls, and arrangements may be displayed with or without leaves.
The current edition of the American Dahlia Classification and Handbook of Dahlias will be used for the description of the dahlia exhibits. Dahlias not listed in the current edition will be classified using the most recent ADS Composite Listing of Dahlias. Unclassified dahlias must have the entry tag initialed by the Classification Committee.
In horticulture exhibits, artificial support for the dahlia bloom above the container is prohibited and will result in a penalty. The dahlia bloom, stem, and leaves may not be supported, assisted, or altered by tape, pins, glue, or any other type of artificial material. The use of artificial materials will result in automatic disqualification of the exhibit.
Disseminated dahlias, when entered as classified in ADS shows, will not be disqualified if oversized or undersized. The dahlia bloom will be judged based on its own merits.
In horticulture exhibits, exhibitors may not "double enter" the same cultivar by entering it in two different skill divisions. Exhibitors are encouraged to exhibit the same cultivar in different ways (e.g., single, triple, bouquet, bowl, design, basket, collection, etc.).
Exhibitors growing flowers in the same garden(s) must show in the same skill division. This division will be determined by the highest skill level achieved by any one (1) member of the group.
Exhibitors are encouraged to enter the appropriate skill division—student, novice, advanced, or open—and to move to a more advanced division as they gain experience.
Ribbons will be awarded to 1st and 2nd place blooms in each class, to the Best of Form, and to the Section Champion. Ribbons will also be given to each special award champion. Awards may be withheld in any class, section, or special award judging if the blooms are deemed unworthy.
The student division will be judged according to the Danish System.
All premiums must be collected by the winner in accordance with the rules of the Western Montana Fair.
Prizes & Awards
1st place blue ribbons will receive a premium of $3.00, and 2nd place red ribbons will receive a premium of $2.00. Artistic designs or arrangements will receive $5.00 for 1st place blue ribbons and $2.00 for 2nd place red ribbons. Outstanding exhibits will receive a rosette ribbon. No monetary awards are given for other ribbons.
Students (White Tags)
This division is for any exhibitor 19 years old or younger. Entries will be judged according to the Danish System. If a student wishes and their skill level permits, they may choose to exhibit in the novice, advanced, or open divisions.
Novice (Blue Tags)
This is the starting division for beginning adult exhibitors. Dahlia Society members may show at this level for a maximum of three (3) years. The exhibitor may choose to advance after one (1) or two (2) years based on their skill development.
Advanced (Pink Tags)
This division is for exhibitors with skills beyond the beginner level. The exhibitor understands flower staging, grows named varieties, and can correctly and completely fill out the entry tag. Exhibitors in this division may remain until they win rosettes, after which they are expected to advance to the open division.
Open (Yellow Tags)
This division is for experienced exhibitors who have consistently won higher awards. There is also a service component at this level, as open exhibitors are expected to use their skills to help beginner and advanced exhibitors become proficient in the showing process. An open exhibitor may drop to a lower level if unable to show flowers for two (2) or more years due to work, school, family responsibilities, etc. In such cases, please contact the show committee for proper division assignment.
Entry Guidelines
The exhibitor will be held responsible for correctly completing the entry tag. Complete the top and bottom sections of dahlia show entry tags. The entry tag shall contain the following information:
a. The section as listed below.
b. Class entered is the 4 digits of the ADS classification number. We can help you with this.
c. The name of the dahlia. If you do not know the name, we can help with this.
d. The size, form and color of the dahlia as found in the current edition of the American Dahlia Society Classification and Handbook of Dahlias.
e. The exhibitor's name and address
f. Omissions for misidentification may cause an exhibit not to be judged.
Dahlias shall be staged in the containers provided or in containers provided by the exhibitor that are similar to those provided. The exhibitor will be responsible for picking up their containers when the show is taken down. No decals or writing of any type shall be visible on the exposed face of the container. Baskets, bouquets, bowls and arrangements may be displayed in a container of the exhibitor's choice.
Exhibitors may enter as many dahlias as they choose as long as each is a different color/form.
An exhibitor may not have more than one (1) entry in any one (1) class. If an exhibitor enters more than one (1) entry in any one (1) class both entries will be disqualified.
AA – Giant (over 10 inches in diameter)
A – Large (over 8 to 10 inches in diameter)
B – Medium (over 6 to 8 inches in diameter)
BB – Small (over 4 to 6 inches in diameter)
M – Miniature (up to 4 inches in diameter)
MC – Micro (up to 2 inches in diameter)
BA – Ball (over 3.5 inches in diameter)
MB – Miniature Ball (over 2 to 3.5 inches in diameter)
P – Pompon (up to 2 inches in diameter)
ST – Stellar (over 2 inches in diameter)
MST – Micro Stellar (up to 2 inches in diameter)
WL – Waterlily (over 2 inches in diameter)
MWL – Micro Waterlily (up to 2 inches in diameter) –
NX – Novelty Double (over 2 inches in diameter) –
MNX – Micro Novelty Double (up to 2 inches in diameter)
PE – Peony (over 2 inches in diameter)
MPE – Micro Peony (up to 2 inches in diameter)
AN – Anemone (over 2 inches in diameter)
MAN – Micro Anemone (up to 2 inches in diameter)
NO – Novelty Open Center (over 2 inches in diameter)
MNO – Micro Novelty Open Center (up to 2 inches in diameter)
CO – Collarette (over 2 inches in diameter)
MCO – Micro Collarette (up to 2 inches in diameter)
O – Orchid (over 2 inches in diameter)
MO – Micro Orchid – (up to 2 inches in diameter)
OT – Orchette (over 2 inches in dimeter)
MOT – Micro Orchette (up to 2 inches)
S – Single (over 2 inches in diameter)
MS – Mignon Single (up to 2 inches in diameter)
BI – Bicolor
BK – Black
BR – Bronze
DB – Dark Blend
DP – Dark Pink
DR – Dark Red
FL – Flame Blend
L – Lavender
LB – Light Blend
OR – Orange
PK – Pink
PR – Purple
R – Red
V – Variegated
W – White
Y – Yellow
AN – Anemone-flowering
BA – Ball
C – Straight Cactus
CO – Collarette
FD – Formal Decorative
IC – Incurved Cactus
ID – Informal Decorative
LC – Laciniated
MB – Miniature Ball
MC – Micro
MAN – Micro Anemone-flowering
MCO – Micro Collarette
MNO – Micro Novelty Open
MNX – Micro Novelty Double
MO – Micro Orchid
MOT – Micro Orchette
MPE – Micro Peony
MST – Micro Stellar
MWL – Micro Waterlily
MS – Mignon Single
NO – Novelty Open Center
NX – Novelty Double Center
O – Orchid-flowering
OT – Orchette
P – Pompon
PE – Peony-flowering
S – Single
SC – Semi-Cactus
ST – Stellar
WL – Waterlily
General Show Exhibit Sections
Section 1: Single "AA" bloom
Section 2: Triple "AA" blooms
Section 3: Single "A" bloom
Section 4: Triple "A" blooms
Section 5: Single "B" bloom
Section 6: Triple "B" blooms
Section 7: Single "BB" bloom
Section 8: Triple "BB" blooms
Section 9: Single Miniature bloom
Section 10: Triple Miniature blooms
Section 11: Single Ball bloom
Section 12: Triple Ball blooms
Section 13: Single Miniature Ball bloom
Section 14: Triple Miniature Ball blooms
Section 15: Single Pompon bloom
Section 16: Triple Pompons blooms
Section 17: Single Stellar bloom
Section 18: Triple Stellar blooms
Section 19: Single Waterlilybloom
Section 20: Triple Waterlily blooms
Section 21: Single Novelty Double Center blooms
Section 22: Triple Novelty Double Center blooms
Section 23: Single Peony bloom
Section 24: Triple Peony blooms
Section 25: Single Anemone bloom
Section 26: Triple Anemone blooms
Section 27: Single Novelty Open Center bloom
Section 28: Triple Novelty Open Center blooms
Section 29: Single Collarette bloom
Section 30: Triple Collarette blooms
Section 31: Single Orchid
Section 32: Triple Orchid blooms
Section 33: Single Single bloom
Section 34: Triple Single blooms
Section 35: Single Mignon bloom
Section 36: Triple Mignon blooms
Section 37: Single Orchette bloom
Section 38: Triple Orchette blooms
Section 39: Single Laciniated bloom
Section 40: Triple Laciniated blooms
Section 41: Single Micro bloom
Section 42: Triple Micro blooms
Section 43: Single Micro Stellar bloom
Section 44: Triple Micro Stellar blooms
Section 45: Single Waterlily bloom
Section 46: Triple Waterlily blooms
Section 47: Single Micro Novelty Double Center bloom
Section 48: Triple Micro Novelty Double Center blooms
Section 49: Single Micro Peony Flowering bloom
Section 50: Triple Micro Peony Flowering blooms
Section 51: Single Micro Anemone bloom
Section 52: Triple Micro Anemone blooms
Section 53: Single Micro Novelty Open Center bloom
Section 54: Triple Micro Novelty Open Center blooms
Section 55: Single Micro Collarette bloom
Section 56: Triple Micro Collarette blooms
Section 57: Single Micro Orchid bloom
Section 58: Triple Micro Orchid blooms
Section 59: Single Micro Orchette bloom
Section 60: Triple Micro Orchette blooms
Vase of five (5) from the following forms: Peony, Collarette, Orchid Single, Mignon Single, Novelty Open Center or Orchette as well as the micro varieties of these forms.
Class 1: Vase of 5 all the same form and same color
Class 2: Vase of 5 same form but different varieties
Class 3: Vase of 5 different forms
Vase of five (5) from the following forms: Waterlily, Ball, Anemone, Pompon, Novelty Double Center or Stellar as well as the micro varieties of these forms.
Class 1: Vase of 5 all the same variety
Class 2: Vase of 5 same form but different varieties
Vase of five (5) from the following sizes: AA, A, B, BB or M.
Class 1: Vase of 5 all the same variety
Class 2: Vase of 5 all the same size but different forms
Class 3: Vase of 5 all different sizes but the same form
Class 4: Vase of 5 all different sizes and different forms
Class 5: Vase of 5 mixed sizes, forms and/or colors
Exhibitor may have multiple entries in this class as long as the same trio of cultivars is not used. Entry of 1 or 3 individual vases of 1 bloom each from the following sizes of dahlia AA, A, B, BB, or Miniature. (No extra points will be given for using more than 3 cultivars in a single entry.)
Class 1: 1 cultivar of 3 different sizes
Class 2: 3 different cultivars of the same size
Exhibitor may have multiple entries in this case as long as the same trio of cultivars is not used. Entry of 1 or 3 individual vases of 1 bloom each from the following forms of dahlias: Peony Flowering, Novelty Open Center, Collarette, Orchid Flowering, Orchette, Single or Mignon Single. (No extra points will be given for more than 3 cultivars in a single entry.)
Class 1: 1 cultivars of 3 different forms
Class 2: 3 different cultivars of the same form
Dahlias must be the dominant flower in the exhibit. Other filler materials may be used to enhance the dahlia.
In the case of a basket with dahlias predominating, other fresh flowers may be used as highlights or filler.
Additional natural foliage, with or without flowers and/or berries, may be displayed in the basket.
The exhibit may contain one (1) or more colors.
The exhibitor may use a container of their choice, which will be judged as part of the exhibit.
The entry tag must include the section and class numbers, class title, and the exhibitor's name and address.
An exhibitor may have more than one (1) entry per class.
Class 1: Regular basket, same variety and form
Class 2: Regular basket, mixed varieties and forms
Class 3: Mini basket, same variety and form
Class 4: Mini basket, mixed varieties and forms
A bouquet with dahlias may include other fresh plant material, with flowers used as highlights. The bouquet will be judged on its overall effect.
Additional natural foliage, with or without flowers and/or berries, may be displayed in the bouquet.
An exhibitor may have more than one (1) entry per class.
Exhibitors may use a container of their choice, which will be judged as part of the exhibit.
No mechanics shall be visible.
The exhibit must be viewable from all sides.
The entry tag must include the section number, class title, and the exhibitor's name and address.
A white index card with the names of the dahlias used may be placed with the exhibit.
Size Guidelines:
Small = under 12"
Medium = over 12" to 24"
Large = over 24"
Class 1: Large bouquet of same variety and form
Class 2: Large bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
Class 3: Medium bouquet of same variety and form
Class 4: Medium bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
Class 5: Small bouquet of same variety and form
Class 6: Small bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
A bouquet using only dahlias, no other flower species are permitted. Foliage and support material are permitted. See rules 3-9 in Section 48.
Class 1: Large bouquet of the same variety and form
Class 2: Large bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
Class 3: Medium bouquet of same variety and form
Class 4: Medium bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
Class 5: Small bouquet of same variety and form
Class 6: Small bouquet of mixed varieties and forms
Any size or form may be used.
The container may be flat or on a pedestal and must be viewable from the top.
If the container is clear glass, it may be viewed from the top or side.
All fresh plant material may be used.
Unattached foliage may be used.
The entry tag must include the section, class number, class title, and the exhibitor's name and address.
A white index card with the names of the dahlias used may be placed with the exhibit.
Class 1: Single bloom 3" and under in diameter
Class 2: Single bloom over 3" in diameter
Class 3: Multiple blooms of the same color 3" and under in diameter
Class 4: Multiple blooms of the same color 3" and over in diameter
Class 5: Multiple blooms of different colors under 3" in diameter
Class 6: Multiple blooms of different colors over 3" in diameter
Class 7: Pedestal type bowl or container elevated 6-24" from the tabletop
Class 8: Cascading display of 3 bowls with 3 different elevations suggesting a cascading water flow
This is the American Dahlia Society Bench Evaluation. This section is open to all exhibitors. The rules for entries and the judging of blooms, as outlined in the ADS Classification Handbook of Dahlias, shall be followed.
Use open entry tags for this section.
The entry tag must include the section and class numbers, class description, and the name and address of the exhibitor. ADS exhibitors must complete the ADS entry form.
Blue ribbons will be awarded only to deserving exhibits in classes 1 and 2.
No premium money will be awarded for classes 1 and 2.
More than one (1) entry per exhibitor is allowed in each class.
Class 1: 1st year, single bloom
Class 2: 2nd and 3rd year single bloom
Class 3: ADS triple blooms in one (1) container
The dahlia plant may be exhibited in the grower's choice of container. The container will be judged as part of the exhibit. Support for the plant and flowers is permissible.
The entry tag must include the section and class numbers, class title, and the exhibitor's name, address, and telephone number.
Exhibitors may enter more than one (1) cultivar in each class, as long as each cultivar is different.
Class 1: Container of dahlias of the same cultivar
Class 2: Multiple dahlia plants with more than one (1) cultivar
Class 3: Container with dahlias predominant with other filler plants
An exhibit of any cultivar introduced prior to 1973, as listed in the ADS Classification and Handbook of Dahlias, will be judged based on the standards in place at the time the cultivar was introduced.
Class 1: Single bloom
Class 2: Triple blooms
All photos shall be 5x7 size, not matted or framed.
Class 1: Single dahlia
Class 2: Multiple dahlias
Class 3: People with dahlias
Class 4: Animals with dahlias
Class 5: In the garden
Class 6: Scene, landscape or historic setting
Class 7: Activity with dahlias: market, club activity, show prep
Class 8: Macro view
Class 9: Digital modifications
Class 10: Artist's choice or any other
Class 1: People's Choice – A fun entry in which the public votes for the winner. Ballots will be counted and ribbons awarded according to the numerical count. Use the ADS entry tag.
Class 2: World's Largest Dahlia Bloom – The largest dahlia in the show will be selected from within single entries in the horticulture division. The largest dahlia will be selected based on the diameter only. Condition, form or color will not be considered. Exhibitor must fill out an entry tag and place it at the class location to qualify for the award. The winner will receive a ribbon only, no premium money accompanies this award.
Class 3: World's Smallest Dahlia Bloom – The smallest dahlia will be selected from within the single entries in the horticulture division. Exhibit must be a fully developed bloom. Exhibitor must fill out an entry tag and place it at this class location to qualify for the award. The winner will receive a ribbon only, no premium money accompanies this award.
Dahlia Design Show
The theme should be kept in mind when creating the following arrangements.
All designs must contain dahlias as the dominant bloom.
All designs must be the exhibitor's original design and work.
Exhibitors must enter the design in person and in the correct class.
Artificial plant material or painted fresh plant material are not allowed.
The entry tag must include the section and class numbers, class title, the design type name in all designer's choice classes, and the exhibitor's name and address.
Accessories are permitted in all classes unless otherwise stated. American flags are not permitted in any case.
Class 1: “Bold and Beautiful” Designers choice
Class 2: “Streamside Serenity” Designers Choice
Class 3: “Stand Out” Designers Choice
Class 4: “Riverbank Blooms” Designers Choice