Department: 104-Goats | Open
Prizes & Awards
Champion/Best – $15
Reserve Champion – $10
First Place – $10
Second Place – $8
Third Place – $5
Goat Premium money will be paid at the posted rates. Classes or groups will be combined by the superintendent if there are insufficient numbers or competition. No champion placing will be given if there is a lack of competition.
Division A – GTD
Division B – GTF
Division C – Working Goats
Division D – Pygmy, Fiber and Meat Goats
Important Facts & Dates
Pre-registration required. Enter online by 5 p.m. Friday, July 11, 2024 using the online entry system. Please note, all animals entered in group classes must also be entered in their individual age/breed classes. Group classes must also pre-register by the deadline. Entry Fee is $6.00 per entry and required to be paid in full at time of entry. You will not be considered registered for the show if payment is not received by July 30. Parents must sign if exhibitor is under 18 years of age. Following registration, print and save your receipt for entry confirmation.
Exhibits accepted no earlier than 8 a.m. Monday, August 4 at the Livestock Pavilion. Current registration papers for each animal must be presented for inspection at the time of arrival. Click here for vehicle and gate procedures..
August 4 – Judging
Goat show will be held 9 a.m. Monday, August 4 at the Livestock Pavilion.
All open class goats are dismissed after their class and must leave immediately after the show.
Premiums are available for pickup 1 to 4 p.m., Sunday, August 11 at the Fair Office (Bldg. #12). Premiums are also available 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Wednesday of the following week. Any unpaid premiums after 5 p.m., August 13 will be forfeited.
General Exhibiting GUIDELINES
No bucks allowed, even kid goats. The showing of bucks is prohibited.
Animals will be examined for any signs of abscesses, lice, ringworm, or other contagious diseases before showing. Any animal showing signs of a contagious or infectious disease will be required to leave the grounds.
You must complete all online steps to reserve your pens/stalls! You’ll find stall reservations under Step 3 of the online entry process. If showing the same animal in 4-H/FFA and Open Class – select the appropriate stall reservation type so as to avoid duplicating stalls between 4-H & FFA.
Areas where goats are kept during show times must be cleaned before leaving the grounds. Manure must be dumped in designated areas.
It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to keep his/her goats under control at all times.
All exhibitors must show in proper show attire. No shorts or sandals in the ring.
4-H and FFA members are encouraged to enter in open class, if open class guidelines are met. 4-H and FFA members must register and pay the open class entry fees online by the entry deadline in order to show in open class.
Dam and Daughter class consists of one doe and one of her female offspring (any age).
Produce of Dam class consists of two female offspring (any age) from one Dam. Dam need not be present.
Get of Sire class consists of three female offspring (any age) from one sire.
Dairy Herd consists of four does in milk owned by one exhibitor.
If there are insufficient numbers, classes will be combined by the superintendent.
The Dairy Goat Show is an unsanctioned show. Championship awards will not count toward an animal’s permanent record. Does must be entered in their proper breed group and conform to breed standards. The judge has the right to move any doe that shows signs of cross breeding into the grade class. Animals with natural horns (not disbudded or dehorned) shall not be shown. Any goat that is a cross between two or more dairy breeds (or not meeting breed standards) is to be shown in the grade class. Crosses with a goat that is not dairy are not allowed in this class.
Division A – GTD
Breed Categories to Select When Entering Online:
Nigerian Dwarf
Class 1: Birth to 6 months
Class 2: 7 to 11 months
Class 3: 12 to 23 months, dry
Class 4: 12 to 23 months, milk
Class 5: 24 to 35 months, milk
Class 6: 36 to 59 months, milk
Class 7: 5 years and over, milk
Class 8: Dam and Daughter
Class 9: Produce of Dam
Class 10: Get of Sire
Division B – GTF
Breed Categories to Select When Entering Online:
Angora, Colored
Boer/Boer Cross
Other Meat Goats
Pygmy Does
Pygmy Wethers
Class 1: Birth to 6 months
Class 2: 7 to 11 months
Class 3: 12 to 23 months
Class 4: 24 to 35 months
Class 5: 36 to 59 months
Class 6: 5 years and over
Class 7: Dam and Daughter
Class 8: Produce of Dam
Class 9: Get of Sire
Division C – Working Goats
Class 1: These goats are trained to pack or work in a harness. Because we are not ready to have a show for them, we will not be judging them.
Division D – Pygmy, Fiber and Meat Goats
Class 1: These goats will be shown after the open class dairy goats by class order. The Pygmies may be shown with or without horns. The fiber and meat goats are usually shown with horns. There will be no discrimination for the lack of horns. They can be does or wethers.